Sunday, May 31, 2009

E*Trade Babies

wasuppppp....Introducing Manolo & Benny. They appear in the E trade commercials. Really hilarious!!!

ABC special....

The outtakes...

Miniture City??? 本物?模型?何これ?

wasup... Tokyo minature city???
One of the craziest thing I've ever seen. How did they do this???

Saturday, May 30, 2009

新ステルス戦闘機を見たか?Have you seen the new US Stealth Fighter Plane?

Watttsupp....Breaking news!!!!....recently classified pictures of the new US Stealth fighter plane has leaked out into the internet!!!! And lucky for me i got hold of a picture!!!
キタ━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━!!!! スゴイゾ!!!米軍の新しいステルス戦闘機の写真手に入れました。カッコいいー。。。けど、ちょっといがおうな~ あはは~

Friday, May 29, 2009



かわいいす。 KAWAII....!!!!

わっさぷ。。。彼女は今ネットですごい人気みたい。。。17才 イギリス人 オタク。
しかも、このダンスもはやってるみたい。おじさんたちメロメロ。 あと、この曲もはまりそう。

sooo...cute...check her out!!!


え。。。まさかや!!!おじさん大丈夫???vanishing bike

wazupppp...Man, check out the the pothole problem in China...must see till the end of the vid!!!

Chinese Bike Rider Hits Major Pothole - Watch more Funny Videos

Monday, May 18, 2009

今日のテーマは: DRIVING


でも、こんなdriving schoolはやだ!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009



Watch Gaki no tsukai 5 Rangers episode 1 in Comedy | View More Free Videos Online at


wasupppp....One of my favorite shows. Japanorama.. Its a British produced show which introduces a little bit of the wacky Japanese culture to the world. Hope you like it too. Here is just a sample episode.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Zealand Airline sexy TV AD

waaaaaaaaaaasup....check out this new TV ad from new zealand airline. Creating a contraversy coz the staff is nude with the clothes PAINTED on them...mmmmmmmmmm sexy......
Their slogan "They have nothing to hide"....
ニュージァンド航空 TV CM(本物)。 スタッフーがみんなはだかだよ。服がペイントで塗られてる。

Gun VS Sword Trivia

wassapu...Who would win???gun versus sword?? your bets....

Making of the Japanese Samurai swords

wassshhhhuppp.....found this very cool documentary (from the discovery channel) on sword making. It will make you want to own one. Sorry about the arrangement.
You know you can buy the real one from approx.7,000$ to 20,000$. Check out the webpage.

Part 3



Condo Animation (under construction) is ryan's latest animation still in the making...can't wait to see the final outcome..

AUTO-TUNE news 3

New auto-tunes.....very cool

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Funny you tube stuff is a series of YouTube funny stuff either i came across or someone sent me...hope you will enjoy it.
First one is a TV Commercial that was a hit in the States I heard...

Second one is the stalking cute...its like the japanese game called DARUMASAN GA KORONDA. Its also called the NINJA CAT....

How about "CAT & the BOX"

...til the next batch of YouTube sensations.....Asta la

Friday, May 8, 2009

007 theme song parody....GENIUS...must see!!!

This morning while washing the dishes, Mina said she couldn't differentiate the Theme songs of STAR WARS, INDY JONES, BACK to he FUTURE & SUPERMAN... I couldn't remember the superman theme song so I Googled it. Well, I found it and also came across this guy who does musical parodies of many movie theme songs. It cracked me up this early in the morning. I hope you like it too.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Another amazing artwork!!! またすごいもの見ちゃいました!!!

Flight Paths ART

Everyone knows how busy the skies are but compiling it in a video of aircraft flight paths, makes you wonder in amazement of the volume of people air traveling. This is taken on the West Coast of the US in a 24hr period.
24時間で飛んでる飛行機の量でびっくり。場所は los angeles と san francisco。

Flight Paths over the southwest US from Aaron on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Excited foreigners on Japanese Technology

You how we get so amazed at Japanese technology with their robots and computers...well check out the reaction foreigners get when they experience these everyday things in Japan.
I really liked the girl going crazy when seeing the bullet train.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Check this video done by a group called the Gregory Brothers. The use a synthesizer to make news & speeches sound like singing. Big hit in the web.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Do they really make these???

The other day a friend of mine was complaining about the Korean car his father bought. I really didn't know what the big deal was until i saw this on Youtube...


I started the BLOG for favorite people JUN, MIA & SAL......not particularly in any order...
check this out....hilarious...but you got to be a major Star Wars fan to get it.