Saturday, October 24, 2009

Battle of the X-Planes - Joint strike Fighter Competition

A documentary on the competition of 2 fighter companies for the military contract for their fighter planes.

Friday, October 23, 2009

America's New Airforce

Amazing stuff from CBS 60 minutes. A look at America's newest weapon...the unmanned aircraft. Killing has become so inpersonal like a video game....What will they think of next?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3 Kids and a Zombie....

This is a funny episode from a Japanese TV show. According to the letter a mother sent to the program, her 3 kids loves horror movies especially zombie movies. Recently her 3 kids has been planning for a zombie attack by making traps & doing simulations if one ever comes to their house. Now she started getting frustrated with them since they have been doing this every night since so she wrote the TV show asking them if they could help out & give them what they have been waiting for.... See what happens next....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Great Robot Race from PBS

Here is a Documentary that I saw about a year ago. Could you imagine the developments that they must have gotten now. This is so cool but sometimes I get worried of the AI's being developed now. To think the sponsors of this technology developments are the US military. Hope the world doesn't become like the movie TERMINATOR.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Military Recruitment TV commercial

Check out these amazing Military recruitment TV commercials. Don't mess with the Chinese!!!

Japanese Self Defense Force TV CM

US vs Swedish Army TV CM

US Navy Seal TV CM...cooool...