Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Amazing Base Jump footage

Ever wonder what it looks like if you jump of a cliff. Here are some amazing video footage. After seeing this, would you want to jump?

This shows how the suit is made.

Such RUSH....

Such BALLS...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Amazing GOLF shot

Its SPORTS week!!! Here ais an amazing golf shot by Vijay Singh. Watch as he skipped the ball off the water then....aced it in the hole. How lucky were the people there at that moment.

Same shot but a different cam angle.

A word from the sponsors...

Kung fu soccer meets Matrix

What can I saw, I just love people fooling around...

I can't help it, it made me want to watch more football.

PING PONG sensations!!!

Someone sent me a link to a ping pong matrix video. Although this video is old. It's from a Japanese TV show annual contest of amateur people with homemade props.

The real thing is much more entertaining though.
Quite amazing, you might like it also.

Most dangerous road!!!?

Don't they have these kinds of roads going south to our province???

Korean Car Factory Rumble.

Lets get ready to rumble........have you ever seen a down to earth battle offensive? Well here is a video taken from Korean Car Factory rumble. The workers on the right were of STRIKE and have taken over the car factory. The car factory went bankrupt and closed the factory and they holed up in it for 2 months demanding the company to open it and demanding compensation from the Chinese investors.
According to news, the strikes started when the car company approached the Chinese for help since the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The Chinese said they would invest if the company would restructure and layoff some workers. The workers striked. They resisted saying that the Chinese were there to steal their brilliant Korean technology. That made the company situation worse. The Chinese investors backed off and the company folded. So there they are holed up demanding for their jobs back and compensation from the Chinese which they claim started it all. They fought the police with homemade slingshots & weapons made from parts found in the factory.
The police & fire fighters are on the left camping out. They had to endure slingshots bolts/nuts shot at them from the rooftops. Feces thrown at them. Workers with make shift knives....
...You cant invent these stories....

Bumptop, reinventing the desktop.

watup... I came across something that might interest you. Another fun way to enjoy your PC experience. Although I think you may need a faster PC to fully enjoy it. And I think it was invented to make better the user interface of touch screen laptops and PC.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Solar Eclipse (july 22 2009)

watup...latest news on the solar event. Lot of outrageous stuff happened in Japan. There were siteseeing tours to islands south of the mainland. One tour costing up to $4,000. One week tour to an island in the solar eclipse path. You had to take a 48hr ferry to the island, overnight stay in a tent set up in a local school playground(might share with strangers), temporary toilets, you had to bring home your garbage, then take the 48hr ferry back. But as luck had it, it rained.....I would have spent that money on a large wide screen TV and watched the eclipse there...

Todays winners & losers....
ship tour: 88,000yen
island tent tour: 300,000yen
watching TV broadcast: 0 yen


before eclipse: (前)

during the eclipse: (後)


Funky old guys from India

Monday, July 20, 2009

"I'm not doin that anymore"....もおやらないって。。。。

....says the guy who almost got hit in the head by his own 50 caliber bullet which ricocheted off the target....

Only in India.... インドしか見ない映像。。。インドはすごい。。

I've seen babies play with kittens, babies with dogs, even babies with ducks. But this got to be a first for me. Only in India....

I've crossed streets dodging cars but this is really scary...Really great filming...captures the whole moment & experience...only in India...

Driving in a country with strict traffic rules & manners make your mouth just hang when seening this. This has to be the most difficult place in the world to drive or is it the Indians are just really good drivers...only in India

Wanna see something cool! The CAT treadmill

The amazing stuff animals do. Here is one of them. Watch if you just want to have a laugh. Great choice of music too.

Stop motion ART

Well its been awhile since I've seen some creative stop motions. Maybe you'll like these...

This one was pretty cool...a sort of twilight zone.

Amazing stuff with POST-IT

Art or just people with too much time in their hands. Still amazing to watch and it had great creativity that kept you mesmerized...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hottest Airline Safety Video & Airline pants are on fire...航空会社の熱い安全説明ビデオとCM

From Delta Air....attention please....アテンションプリズ。。。

now wasn't she hot!!!..with that Angela Jolie lips...

From Air New Zealand...fasten seat belts please...

Did it make you blush??....I'm movin to new zealand

The famous Air New Zealand commercial

I could see some goosebumps...

Behind the scenes......ooooooooooooo  CMのメーキング

Men only.....男性だけ

We are getting a little bit crazy here...

if we had the chance, something we all wanted to do...チャンスあれば、僕がやりたいこと。

Something we hope we would never do...やりたくはないこと。

and finally...something i would probably do....最後にたぶんやると思う事。

Roller Babies....exploiting their cuteness. is a ad i came across. I thought it would be entertaining since it involved babies.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

燃え上がれ.....GUN...DAM...that's so cool....opening ceremonies!!!

It's here!!! It's here. Gundam opening ceremonies. キタアーー!!!!

Pictures and rehersals...

The opening ceremony....

Friday, July 10, 2009





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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jun, check it out!!!


Coffee Maker Robot コーヒーを淹れさせてみた -oil Master's brain-

The Guy programed his robot to make coffee...not a CG which is cool...

Micheal Jackson Best Dance clips マイケルベストダンス

MJ's Best Dance collection. Someone compiled it to one video. Brings back memories...

Indian Movie Clips...Its a classic!!!

Indian Thriller classic.... Hold on to your seats...I think one of the best thriller remakes. Love the music too.HAHAHA

Indian Superman...and Spiderwoman???? favorite!!!!

They say its the best fight scene ever...what do you think?? I loved it...especially the midget.