Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Solar Eclipse (july 22 2009)

watup...latest news on the solar event. Lot of outrageous stuff happened in Japan. There were siteseeing tours to islands south of the mainland. One tour costing up to $4,000. One week tour to an island in the solar eclipse path. You had to take a 48hr ferry to the island, overnight stay in a tent set up in a local school playground(might share with strangers), temporary toilets, you had to bring home your garbage, then take the 48hr ferry back. But as luck had it, it rained.....I would have spent that money on a large wide screen TV and watched the eclipse there...

Todays winners & losers....
ship tour: 88,000yen
island tent tour: 300,000yen
watching TV broadcast: 0 yen


before eclipse: (前)

during the eclipse: (後)


Funky old guys from India

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